
The MAX Award

As everyone knows the MAX are the awards given to the best of the Performing Arts since 1988 in our country. Authors, choreographers, costume designers, lighting designers, composers, directors … people who work hard, with enthusiasm for the show to reach the best possible to the respected public. This award is a recognition of that so often reviled profession that is the theater. The representation of the world on a stage. Theatrum Mundi.

Mektub, the documentary

In the last month of 2010 I composed and produced the soundtrack for the documentary MEKTUB, by the young filmmaker María Hernández Herrera. Music directly set in the poetry of the landscape of the dunes and the people whose maxim...

Training of production teams in Spain

An original initiative is being launched to solve, to a great extent, the crisis in the audiovisual industry. Filming teams are starting to be set up all over Spain to bring to fruition an excellent project that will be able to cover the artistic and technical needs of a market that demands quality and originality.

The hard life of a film music composer

The work of a film composer is not always a smooth road to recognition and fame. The conversations with the director who tries to explain to you with homemade and vague terminology the style he wants for the music of the film, the hard hours of invocation to the muses after watching the same scene once and a hundred times, the feverish work against the clock so that the production is finished.

Participation in 36HSF in Zaragoza

Participating in the third edition of 36 Hours of Film Survival that this time takes place in Zaragoza, we will defend the film project of Bernard M”Ba, “La Caja del Pánico”. On this occasion I will play the role of composer of the original music and sound production and realization.

Already 2684 views on YouTube

The demo video posted on Youtube Sintonía informativos has already received 2684 views. It is closely followed with 1923 the video of Children’s Songs published in San Pablo Multimedia. Thank you very much to all of you.

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