In the last month of 2010 I composed and produced the soundtrack for the documentary MEKTUB, by the young filmmaker María Hernández Herrera. Music directly set in the poetry of the landscape of the dunes and the people whose maxim is hospitality. This documentary is currently participating in the Malaga Festival, the Mostra de Cinema Llatinoamericà de Catalunya, the Festival Internacional de Cine de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the documenta Madrid 11, and the Fisahara.
In his own words:
“Mektub portrays the daily life of a day in the Saharawi refugee camps accompanied by the statements of some of its protagonists.
But behind this apparently quiet life hides a common struggle, to continue claiming and continue demonstrating to achieve the only joint goal that all Sahrawis have as a people, to recover the occupied territory in order to rebuild their country and reunite with their families”.
Here you can listen to some excerpts of the OST
Poema del desierto
El alimento