The short film by director and screenwriter Bernard M’ba is finally released on the web. The film was shot and edited in the “36 Horas de Supervivencia Fílmica” of Lerma. Despite not bringing home a prize, the film has received the best reviews and the intense experience in the town of Lerma has been very enriching. I composed the music in the pre-production phase, with the script in front of me and the good feedback from the director Bernard M’ba. Because of its intrinsic characteristics, the film has needed a wide variety of musical styles: from the typical western, to a pasodoble, thriller music, to finish with a ska hooligan.
Synopsis: Mariano and Eusebio spend their days quarreling and drinking in a lonely town where hardly anything happens. Suddenly some characters show up in the village that are going to revolutionize the tranquility of the Castilian place.
Here you can see the final version of the short film. The music can be heard in the Audio section of this website.
La invasión de los pellejudos. 36HSF Lerma from cinemavip on Vimeo.