“Gato Gótico” is an animated series created by Jorge Martija. The soundtrack I composed is symphonic in the style of action soundtracks. Percussion marked with an important role of the brass section and wide passages of string tremolos; fast pace. I have paid special attention that the orchestra emphasizes the movements of the image. Ascending and descending scales chase the flight of the superhero, orchestral “sforzandi” in the Giant Octopus’ shots…
Graduated in Classical Philology and later obtained the Superior Title of Professor of Harmony, Counterpoint, Composition and Orchestration at the Royal Conservatory of Madrid, where I received the teaching of Antón García Abril, Luis de Pablo, and Emilio Rey among others.
Composer and music producer for Audiovisuals, Theater, Dance and Concert Music.
Training in Musical Pedagogy, Singing and Choir Conducting, Music for Dance, Music for Cinema at the Fundación Autor, Electroacoustic Music and Sound at the Gabinete del Conservatorio de Cuenca, where I premiere and publish experimental and avant-garde works on CD.